cartesian product  
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cartesian product - the product of two sets: the product of set X and set Y is the set that contains all ordered pairs ( x, y ) for which x belongs to X and y belongs to Y
Formula: A x B

A={2,8,1} and B={4,3,1}.find the Cartesian product A×B.
A={2,8,1} and B={4,3,1}.find the Cartesian product A×B. Click [URL='']here[/URL] to find the answer

Cartesian Product
Free Cartesian Product Calculator - Given a Set A and Set B, this calculates the Cartesian Product A × B

Set Notation
Free Set Notation Calculator - Given two number sets A and B, this determines the following:
* Union of A and B, denoted A U B
* Intersection of A and B, denoted A ∩ B
* Elements in A not in B, denoted A - B
* Elements in B not in A, denoted B - A
* Symmetric Difference A Δ B
* The Concatenation A · B
* The Cartesian Product A x B
* Cardinality of A = |A|
* Cardinality of B = |B|
* Jaccard Index J(A,B)
* Jaccard Distance Jσ(A,B)
* Dice's Coefficient
* If A is a subset of B
* If B is a subset of A